What does it cost to attend Greece Christian Preschool for 2025-2026?
There is a non-refundable registration fee of $100 due with the application.
$1,590 - 2 days per week
$2,040 - 3 days per week
$2,900 - 5 days per week
What is the cost to attend GCS K - 8th Grade for 2025-2026?
The non-refundable application fee for all new and returning students is $150 per student. The maximum fee for new families with more than one student is $350. The maximum fee for returning families with several students is $250.
Tuition (for Non Greece Assembly of God member):
First child - $6,445
Second child - $5,156
Third child - $3,416
Tuition (for Greece Assembly of God member)
First Child - $5,737
Second Child - $4,575
Third Child - $2,900