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Student achievement is based on the degree of mastery of the instructional objectives for each subject.  Assignments, tests, projects, classroom activities, and other instructional activities are designed so that the student’s performance indicates the level of mastery. Student grades are reported at the close of each quarter with a report card. Parents are encouraged to monitor ongoing progress through the use of the Family Portal.

In Kindergarten, quarterly grades are: E (Excellent); S (Satisfactory); N (Needs Improvement); U (Unsatisfactory); I (Improving); and NA (Not applicable this quarter). In addition, there is space for teacher and parent’s remarks. 

GCS uses a computerized report card format and letter grades are given to students in grades one through five. To determine the quarterly average for honor roll, special areas subjects are weighted at one quarter of the core area subjects. Middle school grades are numeric (percentage): 97-100 (A+); 90-96 (A); 87-89 (B+); 80-86 (B); 77-79 (C+); 70-76 (C); 65-69 (D); Below 65 (F).

When a student receives an Incomplete (I) on the report card, work must be completed within two weeks after the end of the marking period. Failure to complete outstanding assignments after this two-week period will result in the “I” being changed to whatever the student’s grade average is for the quarter. Any extensions must be approved by the principal. 

The GCS grading policy is based on the premise of mastery of content in any given subject area (i.e., 80% indicates 80% mastery of content, etc.).  Teachers post grades online using RenWeb for parents and students to view via the Parent Portal. Parents will be notified via email of marking periods and report card availabilities throughout the year. Parents will need an email address to be issued their username and password for the RenWeb Family portal. 



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